Being an profesional musician requires so much time and dedication already and on top of that, you have to be on all types of social media in order to interact and engage with your audience constantly.
Here you have 5 easy music content ideas that require almost no effort, because some days you just don't have the time.
1. Take a video while you’re rehearsing, fans love to see snippets of their favorite musicians rehearsing because is a way to feel connected with them in a more personal moment.
2. Show us your workspace, its always exciting to see the place where it all happens. it is also interesting for fans to see what type of gadgets you have in your workspace/studio.
3. Share your Spotify playlist(s), it can give your audience a deeper look into your world, this can be for a story or a short reel.
4. Once in a while you can share what makes you laugh, by sharing a story with a meme or a funny video you liked, your audience can have a better idea of what your personality is like.
5. Share some of your music influences, it can really show the history and evolution of your own music.
To give us a more visual idea of how has social media changed the music industry, we can check out this 2021 study on How US Adults Discover new Music and see that social media accounts for 30% of discoveries!
We know that there is not as much social media ideas for musicians as there are for regular content creators, but just remember that your fans and followers enjoy your music and if they follow you is because they are interested to know more about you not only as an artist but as a person.. so don't overthink it too much.
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